The distant Etheric Libraries Maintenance Attunement aims to maintain healthy, high-vibration and cleansed etheric records across all etheric libraries to reduce unnecessary suffering and boost spiritual development and manifestation.
These energies aim to ensure that any non-serving energies that are ready to be cleared are removed. The records are then cleansed and raised in vibration across all dimensions to ensure interdimensional consistency.
There are many different etheric libraries, each with a slightly different approach to record storing and are stored by different beings. There are faery libraries, dragon libraries, star seed libraries, etc., with the Akashic Records probably being the most well-known.
Due to the vast number of etheric libraries, the Etheric Libraries Maintenance Attunement does not read or describe these libraries, but rather, it focuses on the clearing and cleansing of your etheric records in any library where you may have information recorded.
Clearing non-serving energies and cleansing your records, which may be contained in any etheric libraries, may reduce non-serving energies and consequences from cause and effect.
It may also be able to clear non-serving energies associated with recorded events, which may be able to alleviate suffering and unnecessary repetition of trauma and repetitive behaviour.
Due to the open-ended nature of the energies provided in this attunement, there is potential for new functions specific to you and your needs to reveal themselves to you.
If you want to clear and cleanse your records contained just in the Akashic Records, you may be interested in the Akashic Records Maintenance Attunement.
The Etheric Libraries Maintenance Attunement requirements:
- If you are ill or unwell, you must first seek proper medical care.
- No prerequisite knowledge is required.
- Understand that healing is a process that requires active participation.
- An open heart and a commitment to your self-empowerment and growth.
- Realistic expectations of what is possible.
- Some quiet time to practice and take in the energy.
- You understand and accept these requirements, order process and terms.
- Do you want to resell this attunement? Terms apply.
Functions included in the attunement:
- Clear non-serving energies you are ready to clear all etheric libraries.
- Raise the vibration of your etheric records across all etheric libraries.
- Reduce unnecessary suffering and repetitive behaviours.
- Increase vitality, well-being, and wholeness.
- Spiritual growth and ascension.
- Experience oneness with all.
- Better able to manifest.
- Gain more control and direction in life.
- Live in better alignment.
- Reduce the consequences of karma.
- Increased spiritual gifts and intuition.
Your purchase includes the following:
- Digital download of the Etheric Libraries Maintenance Attunement manual (PDF document).
- 1 distant attunement prepared as a Chi Ball Attunement.
- A certificate with lineage and signature via email on request.
- Training and support during the attunement duration via email.
Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.
Why have a distant attunement with Craig?